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Inland Bills for Collections (Under LC/Non-LC)
Inland Bills for Collections (Under LC/Non-LC)
Domestic service to help route your documents & realising the payments or ensure making payments as the case is
Dedicated processing unit to actively monitor transactions
Timely realisation of receivables and timely intimation of payables for your business
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Under Letter of Credit (LC)
The buyer & seller enter into a business contract. The seller wants a Letter of Credit (LC) to guarantee payment.
The buyer requests to his Bank i.e., issuing Bank to issue an LC in favour of the seller.
Issuing Bank checks the credibility of the buyer , issues & forwards the LC to the seller’s bank (advising bank).
The seller’s bank will authenticate the LC & advise the LC to the seller.
The seller ships the goods, & prepares documentary requirements (invoices, transport documents, insurance certificate etc.) in line with the terms & conditions of the LC.
The seller presents required documents to his bank to check & forward the same to the LC issuing bank for payment.
The seller’s bank will forward the documents to the LC issuing bank & claim the funds under the LC as per LC terms.
The buyer’s Bank examines the documents within 5 banking days & if compliant, makes the payment/acceptance of payment on the due date.
The buyer’s account will be debited on payment date as per terms mentioned in the LC (sight/usance).
The buyer takes the delivery of the goods.
Under Documentary Collection
The seller & buyer agree to conduct business & agree that payment be made on the basis of a collection documents.
The seller ships the goods & tenders the documents to his bank together with a corresponding collection order.
The seller’s bank forwards the documents along with its collection instructions to the buyer’s Bank.
The buyer’s Bank notifies the buyer of the arrival of documents, for his payment/acceptance.
In case of:
Documents against payment (DP): the buyer pays the amount due.
Documents against acceptance (DA): the buyer accepts the draft & gives an undertaking to pay on a later date (maturity date).
- After providing payment or acceptance of payment, the buyer receives the documents using which he takes possession of goods.
The buyer’s Bank remits the amount to the seller's bank which further credits the amount to the seller’s account.
T&C apply

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